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07. 08. 2014

Nagrade za najbolje inicijative u onlajn istraživačkom novinarstvu

Centar za medijski pluralizam i medijske slobode (Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom) raspisuje konkurs za 3 novinarske nagrade za onlajn istraživačko novinarstvo. 

Rok za podnošenje predloga je 15. septembar 2014.  

U nastavku je tekst konkursa na engleskom jeziku.

Awards for the best initiatives in Online Investigative Journalism 

In order to support new modes of journalism we are launching awards for the best European initiatives in online investigative journalism.


The CMPF, under the project “Strenghtening Journalism in Europe: Tools, Networking, Training” will, on an individual basis, award funding to three journalists who are active in the online sphere in order to undertake innovative investigative projects. The aim is to increase the visibility of freelance, young and female journalists in particular and to provide them with financial support. The three award categories are:


  • Freelance journalist (EUR 2,000)
  • Young journalist, max. 35 years old (EUR 1,500)
  • Female journalist (EUR 1,500)


The payment of the awards shall be made according to the following schedule: 50% will be paid when the projects are selected for the award and 50% will be awarded in January 2015 after completion of the project work. The awarded persons will be responsible for payment of taxes and social security fees in accordance with the regulations in their home country and European University Institute rules.


In order to be eligible to receive an award, journalists must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Hold the citizenship of an EU or EU accession country;
  • Have a professional presence in Europe and/or the Western Balkans. The journalist need not be based in these regions, but his or her work must have been broadcast, printed or otherwise accessible to audiences in the EU or Western Balkans;
  • Be able to use online data analysis in the framework of his or her project.
  • Jurors will evaluate each entry based on the overall merit of the project, with an emphasis on:
  • Impact on society: the project must have the potential to impact on society in terms of awareness-raising, or mobilization around a certain issue which is of relevance to the general public and important for the public good;

Interpretation of the issue(s): the journalist must hold the ability to present complex topics in a comprehensible and accessible way;

Scope of the coverage: the project should propose a comprehensive analysis and presentation of the investigated topic(s).

Inclusiveness: the project should include a plurality of voices and the views of people depicted and/or concerned with the issue(s).
Originality and creativity of the project: the project should highlight new issues or present issues in a novel, original way.

Materials to submit
Taking into consideration the five evaluation criteria of the jury noted above, the applicant should submit a proposal in English for an investigative project of a maximum 2,000 words. The proposal may be accompanied by a maximum of three pieces of previous journalistic work of the applicant, which are relevant to the project, in the following formats:
  • TV or radio reports;
  • print features;
  • online articles, blogs;
  • film extracts or videos;
  • photo essays.

Regards language, the materials should be originally in English, translated into English, include a significant synopsis in English, or have English subtitles/be dubbed. If submitting radio, TV or film clips, the total combined duration of these pieces must not exceed 30 minutes.

In addition, the applicant should submit: (i) a completed application form, including a summary in English of her or his work and achievements during the two years prior to the deadline of this call; and (ii) her or his CV. All supporting material must be sent in digital form.


The projects submitted for the awards must be carried out between 1st November 2014 and 31st December 2014. The 31st December 2014 is the final deadline for project completion. The winners will be invited to present their completed work in the framework of the final project conference, which will be held in January 2015 in Florence (Italy). The award is not format-specific and work output may incorporate, for example, news articles, film or radio clips.


The deadline for submission of project proposals is 15th September 2014.


The international jury will consist of persons with in-depth experience in journalism and media.

Preuzeto sa http://journalism.cmpf.eui.eu/award/ gde se nalazi i onlajn aplikaciona forma



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