23. 09. 2008
Internet and the New Media
Although it does not look so at the first sight, the Internet is the most regulated media in the world. Apart from each country having a national law dealing with the Internet, it is also subjected to laws adopted by European institutions. Safeguarding the freedom of expression, and preventing abuses and manipulation, European legislators are seriously concerned with the issue of Internet regulation.
Annual growth rate of the global network shows that the Internet is the future of the media in Serbia as well.
Fast technological changes are not followed by timely and appropriate reaction of domestic regulatory practice. The existing legislative is mostly dealing with "traditional" media and mentions the Internet and other new media only in few articles.
Taking these facts into consideration, the author, Jelena Surculija, and the co-author, Slobodan Kremenjak, offer an overview of possible challenges and obstacles for preparation of the legal framework of the new media, as well as recommendations on how they may be overcome. This work is an important reading for institutions which are tasked with development of strategies, as well as everyone who recognizes the possibilities of further development and expansion in the new media.
You can download the publication here
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