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09. 09. 2010

Proposal of conclusions from the first round table dedicated to drafting Media Strategy

After the first round table dedicated to drafting the Media Strategy, held on September 2, 2010, in Belgrade, on the topic: Press Council and the work of news agencies, five media and journalists' associations - ANEM, NUNS (IJAS), UNS (JAS), NDNV (IJAV) and Local Press, have agreed joint proposal of conclusions from the first round table. The proposal of conclusions was publicly presented at the second round table, held on September 9, 2010, in Belgrade.


Proposal of conclusions from the first round table dedicated to the Press Council and the work of news agencies

1)      The Press Council, as a self-regulatory body, is of great importance for monitoring of the compliance with the Code of Journalists of Serbia in the print media, and resolving of complaints of individuals and institutions regarding the specific content of the print media; mediation between damaged party, institutions and editorials as well as conveying of public warning in cases where a violation of ethical standards established by the Code of Journalists of Serbia is confirmed; education for compliance with the Code of Journalists of Serbia and strengthening the reputation of the media

2)      It is necessary to create, as soon as possible, optimal prerequisites, primarily financial, so that the Press Council could start its operations at full capacity. After a period of donor support to the work of the Press Council, the founders of this self-regulatory body should develop ways of self-financing in accordance with its objective possibilities

3)      The state may partially take part in the financing of the Press Council, only to the extent that would not jeopardize the autonomy and the independence of this body. One solution is a budget line for a certain period, to be stipulated by the Media Strategy, in accordance with the agreement of the founders

4)     Everyone, even the authorities, can file complaints with the Commission for Appeals for unprofessional, inaccurate and unethical contents of the print media, which have violated the provisions of the Code

5)      Given that it is a self-regulatory body, there is no need to govern the work of the Press Council by a special law or individual legal provisions within any other law or by-law. Media Strategy, as a fundamental document for development of the media sector, should support the work of self-regulatory body, as the self-regulation, in the long term, is more efficient for the professionalization of the media scene than direct government intervention

6)     The Strategy should provide that the Amendments to the Law on Public Information would determine that the courts, in disputes led in line with the Law on Public Information, would refer the parties to the previous conduct of the proceedings before the Press Council's Commission for Appeals, or the procedure initiated by the complaint before the RBA, in case that the dispute relates to radio and TV stations

7)      A key principle of the Media Strategy is that the state should withdraw from ownership in the media and that the process of withdrawing the state from such ownership should be clearly defined and strictly time-framed

8)     Model of transformation of Tanjug into a public non-profit institution, which that would be financed by budget funds and which would be providing its services free of charge, is economically unacceptable and contrary to the democratic principles and standards, as well as the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (No. 1397 of 2004), in which the Serbia seeks to cease funding of the media where the state has its share in the ownership

9)     During the debate, two models were offered for the Tanjug transformation: privatization or transformation into the government's press bureau. Both models have a democratic foundation, the economic justification and are consistent with the obligations of Serbia arising from its membership in international organizations

10)    There is no service of any agency in the public interest and importance that has not already been done on the media market in Serbia; hence the funding of Tanjug by the present model would constitute the government's aid prohibited by the Law on State Aid Control.

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