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14. 10. 2010

Report on ANEM round table “Drafting the Media Strategy – What kind of Media Strategy We Actually Need”






The round table titled "Drafting the Media Strategy - What kind of Media Strategy We Actually Need" was held on October 14, 2010 in Belgrade Media Centre, organized by ANEM. The aim of this event was to get the public and all interested parties acquainted with joint stands and conclusions of the media and journalists' associations, ANEM, NUNS (IJAS), UNS (JAS), NDNV (IJAV) and Local Press, on the basic principles of the Media Strategy as well as with their proposals for solving the most important media issues to be included in the Strategy. At the same time, the event was a public call to all participants to give their opinions on the associations' stands and proposals as well as to contribute, with their suggestions, to better development of this strategically important document. The event was attended by more than 60 participants, among whom were numerous representatives of competent authorities: ministries (Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Ministry of Trade and Services) and other state bodies (Intellectual Property Office, Provincial Secretary for Information, Ombudsman, Parliament's Culture and Information Committee, Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and the Protection of Personal Data); representatives of regulatory bodies (RATEL, RBA), media associations (ANEM, NUNS, UNS, NDNV and Local Press), news agencies (BETA, TANJUG, FoNet), NGOs, the academic community, international organizations, donor community (IREX, British Embassy, Norwegian People's Aid, Civil Rights Defenders, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, OSCE, Medienhilfe, UNICEF) and the media.

In the first part of the round table, representatives of ANEM, NUNS, UNS, NDNV and Local Press briefly presented their stands and conclusions they had advocated for at the series of thematic round tables dedicated to the drafting of the Media Strategy, held during September 2010 in Belgrade, in the organization of the Ministry of Culture and the OSCE Mission to Serbia with the support of the British Embassy and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia. The participants of the event were provided with the full text of all joint stands and conclusions of these media and journalists' associations.

The second part of the round table saw a constructive discussion during which useful suggestions for formulating the future Media Strategy have been heard.

The entire Report on ANEM ruond table is available here

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