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15. 12. 2010

Report on ANEM round table "Draft of the New Advertising Law"

The Ministry of Trade and Services has recently released its draft of the new Advertising Law, subject to a public discussion until December 24, 2010. With the belief that the Advertising Law is extremely important for the media sector, ANEM organized a round table on that topic in Belgrade's Media Center on December 15. The aim was to contribute to better awareness about this issue and greater participation of colleagues and partners from the media, as well as from other stakeholders, in the scope of the public debate about the draft of the said Law. The round table was attended by about 50 representatives of the competent authorities (Ministry of Trade and Services, RBA), media associations (ANEM, IJAS (NUNS), JAS (UNS), Media Association), marketing agencies (McCann Erickson, Alma Quattro, A-media), the media (Prva TV, RTS, RTV, RTV Pink, RTV B92, Tanjug, Radio Kikinda, TV Cacak, Army Info Forum, Radio Paracin, City radio from Nis, Radio 021 from Novi Sad, RTV Kraljevo, TV Smederevo, Radio Pozega, Bulgarian National Radio, the Taboo magazine, Blic, Danas), the academic community and international organizations, as well as the donor community (USAID, IREX, Norwegian People's Aid-SEE, Council of Europe, OSCE, EU Delegation). In attendance was also the representative of the Ministry of Trade and Services who has worked on the draft Law (Vera Despotovic, Advisor) and several members of the working group tasked with producing the working version of the Advertising Law.

The keynote speakers in the introductory part of the round table were ANEM President Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM Coordinator Jasna Milanovic and the ANEM attorney at law Slobodan Kremenjak. In an active discussion that followed, various opinions, remarks and suggestions related to the Draft Advertising Law could have been heard.

Whole Report on ANEM round table is available here

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