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12. 03. 2010


ANEM supported the new UNICEF campaign "Stop the Violence Together" launched with the cooperation of Serbian Ministry of Education within the program "School without Violence". The campaign has been conducting with the aim to encourage the motivation of teachers and adults working in schools, students, parents and all citizens to actively participate in the fight against violence among and against the children in schools.

This comprehensive campaign has been developed based on evaluation results of "School without Violence" program, which showed that 65% of children had been affected by some kind of violent behaviour at least once in 3 months, and even 44% of the children remembered having such experience through their school education. The School violence prevention program has been implemented for 5 years, during which time the public was acquainted with the problem of violence. With this new campaign, UNICEF wishes to draw attention to the fact that no one in our society should be a passive observer and turn the blind eye to cases of violent behaviour, expecting someone else to take action, but that it is rather the responsibility each of us to actively participate in resolving this issue and constructively respond to violence.

ANEM supported this campaign with free broadcasting of 3 TV spots titled "Violence Does Not Stop by Itself/Stop the violence together" during March to mid-April. These TV spots are the most important part of this campaign and are broadcast on 18 ANEM TV stations: RTV OK from Kovacica, RTV Caribrod from Caribrod, RTV Prima from Bajina Basta, TV Sremska from Sid, RTV Kraljevo from Kraljevo, TV Valjevo from Valjevo, RTV Nisava from Nis, TV Pozega from Pozega, RTV VK from Kikinda, Niska TV from Nis, RTV Pannon from Subotica, RTV Spektar from Sombor, RTV Kragujevac from Krgujevac, RTV Trstenik from Trstenik, TV Alfa from Uzice, RTV Pancevo from Pancevo, TV Leskovac from Leskovac and RTV Cuprija from Cuprija.

You can watch "Violence Does Not Stop by Itself" TV spots below:

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