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09. 07. 2010

Law on Associations – Awakened Civil Sector

Continuing successful cooperation with the Civic Initiatives, ANEM has facilitated its TV stations to broadcast the second program on the Law on Associations free of charge, entitled "Law on Associations - Awakened Civil Sector", starting from mid-July 2010.

This is the second episode of the Civic Initiatives, which deals with the Law on Associations and is intended for non-governmental organizations in Serbia, their membership, as well as the general public. It tackles the position of civil society in the light of the new Law, provides an overview of the obligations of active organizations in the process of implementation of this Law, as well as practical advice to citizens on the exercise of the guaranteed freedom of association. Application of the new Law on Associations started on October 22, 2009, while the re-registration process lasts until April 22, 2011.

Dubravka Velat, Director of Development Program of the Civic Initiatives, explains what this law means for the civil society in a broader context. She brings the experience of providing free legal assistance by this organization to facilitate the establishment of new and re-registration of current associations. Jasmina Benmansur, Deputy Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-government, explains how the competent ministry sees the first 8 months of implementation of this law. Nives Culic, the Head register of the Business Register Agency, responsible for the registration and re-registration of associations, talks about responsibilities and the most common omissions of the civil society organizations at the registration in the Register. The program also presents the standpoints of representatives of civic associations, who have shared their experiences of the first months of implementation of this Law at the recently held NGO Fair.

TV program "Law on Associations - Awakened Civil Sector", will be broadcast free of charge on 19 ANEM local and regional TV stations throughout Serbia. These are: RTV OK from Kovacica, Timocka TV and radio from Zajecar, RTV VK from Kikinda, TV Jedinstvo from Novi Pazar, Novosadska TV from Novi Sad, RTV Trstenik from Trstenik, RTV Nisava from Nis, RTV Caribrod from Caribrod, RTV Mag from Obrenovac, TV Niska from Nis, TV Pozega from Pozega, RTV B92 Info from Belgrade, RTV Prima from Bajina Basta, RTV Sokobanja, from Sokobanja, TV Leskovac from Leskovac, RTV Spektar from Sombor, TV Alfa from Uzice, TV Pancevo from Pancevo, RTV Mlava from Petrovac on Mlava.

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