28. 06. 2012
As the ultimate activity of the one-year-long project "Crossing the Bridge of Diversity", ANEM has created for its stations a unique Guide for reporting on ethnic cultural diversities, in cooperation with its project partner, Faculty of political sciences, Belgrade. This Guide will, with its instructions and recommendations, additionally educate journalists of ANEM stations. The Guide is also designed to serve as a basis to all those who will treat these topics in the future.
The Guide includes the most important findings of the research - conducted by the research team of the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, ANEM partner on the project, under the leadership of Snjezana Milivojevic, PhD, with the aim to establish fundamental characteristics of presenting selected ethnic groups in the media and to identify shortcomings of the habitual way of reporting on minority groups and the complex process of creating stereotypes of ethnic minority communities in Serbia by media, journalists as well as citizens - the public. Contained in the Guide are also Recommendations for media reporting on ethnic cultural diversities in Serbia - deriving from the research, they served as guidelines for selected production team of A-media to put together a new approach to these topics and to establish the concept of ANEM radio and TV series titled "Connecting". Finally, the Guide takes account of diverse experiences of the production team working on the realization of radio and TV series "Connecting" as part of the project "Crossing the Bridge of Diversity".
The Guide for reporting on ethnic cultural diversities is available only to ANEM members and may be downloaded from ANEM Intranet.
The contents of this text are the sole responsibility of ANEM and can in no way be taken to reflect the views and stands of the European Union.
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