28. 12. 2012
Illustrated Glossary of Corruption
With this project, ANEM strives to accomplish several specific objectives - to contribute to raising public awareness and understanding of corruption, its forms and mechanisms for preventing and fighting it; to build capacity of media, primarily local and regional radio and TV stations in ANEM membership, for investigating and reporting on corruption; to strengthen the role of media in prevention and fight against corruption and to stimulate them to step up in their independent and continuous dealing with this problem; to contribute to building of cooperation between civil society, media and relevant bodies dealing with anti-corruption, in prevention and fight against corruption; to influence transparency, openness and accountability of public administration, public services and holders of public office.
In order to achieve the set objectives, a number of activities will be carried out during 18 months of the project. To meet the needs of the project, the experts from the Anti-Corruption Agency will select and define a set of key terms related to corruption. These terms will be the basis for the creation of the multimedia "Glossary of Corruption", namely radio and television series, as well as the electronic textual Glossary, which will be available through various media platforms to serve the citizens and the media as a source of information about corruption and its forms, as well as the ways in which they can get engaged in combating them.
ANEM series will consist of 21 radio and 21 TV episodes, in which 20 selected key terms related to corruption will be illustrated with local stories/case studies, with an expert explanation understandable to the general public and presentation of anti-corruption mechanisms of prevention and fighting corruption which are at citizens' disposal. The programs, which will be completed in early 2014, will be broadcast on ANEM regional and local radio and TV stations across Serbia during March and April 2014, in the form of an intensive two-month long media campaign aimed at educating citizens and the media, as well as encouraging them to take up their role in the fight against this negative social phenomenon. Selected journalists of ANEM radio and TV stations will take part in production work. Under the guidance and mentorship of experienced production team, they will go through workshop training and practical educational process during the work on the programs, which will facilitate their future independent reporting on corruption. In addition to this, two seminars will be organized for the purpose of educating journalists to deal with this sensitive topic - the first one, led by educators of the Anti-Corruption Agency, will increase journalists' knowledge on various aspects of the corruption phenomenon, while the second one, led by distinguished journalists and lawyers from the ANEM legal department, will enable journalists to learn how to cover these topics in a quality and professional manner.
A Guide on reporting on corruption, which will be available to journalists of ANEM stations, will be another form of support to the education of journalists in reporting on corruption.
During the project, ANEM will also organize public and promotional events (a round table and a press conference) and conduct various other activities for the purpose of the project's promotion.
You will be able to follow all the latest news and information on the activities of the "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" on the ANEM's web site (where selected radio and TV programs will also be available) and in ANEM Newsletter that is distributed regularly.
ANEM's Project "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" is financed by the European Union within the Civil Society Facility Programme.
The contents of this text are the sole responsibility of ANEM and can in no way be taken to reflect the views and stands of the European Union.
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