24. 12. 2010
January magazines of the TV series "Step by Step"
For the second month of this series' broadcasting, A-Media, in cooperation with ANEM, has prepared four new magazines to be broadcast during January 2011 on ANEM stations across the Serbia.
We present you the fifth "Step by Step" magazine, which is the first January magazine at the same time. Through three stories, this magazine treats the changes in local self-governments that meet the needs of citizens.
The first story is from Sjenica:
The Municipal Service Center enabled citizens to quickly get served, whereas only three years ago they were endlessly waiting at the counters, going from office to office, wasting time.
The second story is from Vrnjacka Banja:
How Nina Milosevic and her family are now able to calculate their water bills in advance, and how digital maps help workers of the Public Communal Company "Beli Izvor" (White Spring) to quickly detect failure of the water supply system and urgently repair a broken pipe.
The third story comes from Belgrade:
What parents, teachers and students of primary schools in Belgrade's municipality of Novi Beograd think of video surveillance and electronic diaries, and how much has the curriculum of the third graders changed since they have received laptops?
TOPICS of other 3 TV Magazines for January: The topic of the sixth magazine is the elimination of obstacles for equal inclusion of persons with disabilities in the society, the seventh magazine treats the topic of cross-border cooperation as an opportunity to improve the life of citizens and the topic of the eighth magazine is related to new employment concepts and programs.
In accordance with dynamics of their broadcasting, here you will also find the information on topics and short stories' contents of remaining three January magazines - in attachments of the text.
You can watch magazines in January on the links bellow:
This series is financially supported by the European Union through the European Integration Media fund, managed by the Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia and implemented by the BBC World Service Trust. Program content is solely the responsibility of A-media and it does not represent the views and stands of the European Union.
Stories of the sixth magazine of the TV series "Step by Step"
Stories of the eighth magazine of the TV series "Step by Step"
Stories of the seventh magazine of the TV series "Step by Step"
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