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21. 05. 2008


Belgrade, May 21, 2008 – Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) severely condemns an attempted forced entry of the followers of "Radnicki otpor" ("Workers' Resistance" movement), a political organization, into the premises of Kragujevac Television. Some fifty followers of the "Radnički otpor" movement gathered in front of TV Kragujevac premises on Monday, May 19, insisting that a statement by their leader, Radiša Pavlović, on an alleged election theft in some polling stations be recorded. Their attempt to enter the building was prevented by the Police.

ANEM would like to stress that it is extremely important for all the participants in the political process to refrain from any attempt to limit the freedom of public speech and freedom to public information, all according to the provisions of the Public Information Act. ANEM would also like to reiterate that any physical or any other pressure on media organizations and their employees is absolutely unacceptable and, according to the existing laws and regulations, it is also forbidden to exert such pressures.

ANEM would also like to stress that behaviour and activities of electronic media in relation to elections and political campaigns are regulated in detail both by the law, and by the general mandatory instructions and recommendations of the Republic Broadcasting Agency. These acts and laws clearly and univocally insist on equal reporting and forbid any form of discrimination of the participants in the election process, and also envisage that the Republic Broadcasting Agency is tasked with monitoring of the broadcasters' work, especially so in relation to strict following of the rule on reporting on elections and campaign. At the same time, these laws and regulation guarantee editorial freedom and independence in the choice of ways and volume of reporting on election process. 

ANEM strictly condemns every attempt by any participant in the elections to use threats and pressures to violate editorial freedoms and to influence the choice of ways and scope of reporting. ANEM expresses full solidarity with editors, journalists and other professionals in Kragujevac Television, and calls on the relevant institutions to decisively defend media freedoms that are guaranteed by Constitution and laws. 

Saša Mirković,
ANEM President



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