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09. 05. 2011


Belgrade, May 9, 2011 - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) strongly protests over the outcome of the first-instance legal proceedings against the attackers on B92 cameraman, Bosko Brankovic.

Brankovic was assaulted and seriously injured during reporting from the rally protesting against the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, organized on July 24, 2008 in Belgrade. The media reported that the attack on Brankovic was caused by his recording of the attack on his colleague, a reporter of FoNet. The Council of the First Primary Court in Belgrade, presided by Judge Ana Trifunovic, has sentenced Milan Savatovic today to 10 months of house arrest after establishing that he kicked Brankovic's camera and his right shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground. Stefan Milicevic and Nikola Lazic, who approached Brankovic and started beating him, together with several other unidentified suspects, were sentenced to 6 months of prison or a 3-year on probation. As a consequence of their actions, Brankovic suffered a broken knee joint.

ANEM points out that these sentences are inappropriate and too light, not only considering to the seriousness of the injury suffered by Brankovic, but also considering the degree of violation of the freedom of expression and media freedoms by such brutal attack on journalists and cameramen who were performing their jobs. Unfortunately, Serbian judiciary continues to show a lack of understanding for importance of the media freedom in a democratic society, as well as a disregard not only for physical integrity and safety of journalists, cameramen and photo reporters, but also for the right of the public to be informed about the issues of public interest.

Inappropriate sentences for attackers on journalists and other media professionals, which have become common in Serbia, are a serious impediment to the freedom of expression, and instead of sending a message to attackers that violence against journalists, cameramen and photo reporters is unacceptable, these verdicts send a message to the media that some issues are better not to be reported on.

ANEM expresses its full solidarity with Bosko Brankovic and all other journalists and media workers who have been exposed to threats and attacks because of their jobs, and calls on the authorities to act more responsibly to protect the right to freedom of expression and full realization of the role of the media in a democratic society. ANEM demands that the competent First Primary Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade appeal to this verdict against the attackers on our colleague.

ANEM President, Sasa Mirkovic

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