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12. 06. 2011

Statement by IJAS (NUNS), JAS (UNS), ANEM, IJAV (NDNV) and Local Press concerning launching of public debate on Draft Media Strategy

Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS), the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM), Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV) and the Business Association "Local Press", commend the opening of public debate on the Draft Strategy for Development of Media in Serbia.

The text of the Draft, which is the basis for public discussion and submitted to the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society by the working group, is an important step towards regulation of the media sphere and improvement of principles of freedom of expression. The Draft contains solutions that offer the necessary shift from the current situation on the media scene that we all deem devastating and unsustainable.

The associations call on their members to take active part in round tables organized in Kragujevac, Novi Pazar, Novi Sad, Nis and Belgrade and to contribute to defining the objectives of the new Serbian media policy and the mechanisms for their achieving.

The five associations will continue to coordinate their activities and stands on issues important for the adoption of the Media Strategy, in order to ensure its consistency, sustainability and applicability, in the best interest of media professionals and the public.

The associations urge the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society to publish all written comments and suggestions of participants in the debate, as well as audio recordings or transcripts/minutes of all round tables, in the interests of the public and for the full awareness of all stakeholders of the progress and content of the public debate.

We remind that the first discussion will be held on Monday, June 13 in Kragujevac, and then on June 20 in Novi Pazar, June 23 in Novi Sad, June 24 in Nis and June 27 in Belgrade.

Belgrade, June 12, 2011.

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