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01. 11. 2011


Belgrade, November 1, 2011 - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) calls on the Serbian Parliament's Culture and Information Committee to act in accordance with its legal obligations, recent demands of the public and to initiate the procedure for election of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance by its own proposal to the Parliament. At the same time, ANEM emphasizes that Rodoljub Sabic deserves a second term in office because of his exceptional professional qualities and achieved results.

ANEM points out that the current Commissioner's term in office expires in two months time, and that the Committee's inexplicable failure to act on this issue in accordance with its legal obligations and authority could jeopardize the protection of the right to free access to information of public importance and protection of personal data, which also falls under the competence of the Commissioner.

ANEM is of opinion that, while proposing a candidate for the position of the Commissioner, the Culture and Information Committee must take into account the results achieved by Rodoljub Sabic in the course of his activities as the Commissioner; his reputation and position that he has ensured for the his institution and the successful promotion of the rights the Commissioner is tasked to protect, as well as raising of public awareness about them. Therefore ANEM fully supports the proposal that Rodoljub Sabic be re-elected for a new term in this position. The proposal has been submitted to the competent Commission by the Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations for Free Access to Information.

ANEM emphasizes that re-election of Rodoljub Sabic is especially important for the media in the context of the recently adopted Strategy for Development of the Public Information System in the Republic of Serbia until 2016. The Strategy obliges the Republic of Serbia to improve the access to institutional sources of information and availability of information of public importance. At this time, re-election of Rodoljub Sabic would be the best way for Serbia to reaffirm its commitment to this strategic goal.

Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM President

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