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14. 03. 2012


Joint statement by ANEM, NUNS, UNS, NDNV and Local Press

Belgrade, 14 March 2012 - Media associations and organizations are deeply concerned and dissatisfied because of the quiet obstruction by authorities with regard to independent bodies and institutions whose area of competence includes protection of civil rights and freedom. The most recent example is the refusal of the ruling coalition to timely appoint the Ombudsman and thereby ensure proper functioning of this body.

The term in office of the Ombudsman expires in July. The procedure for election of a new one or re-election of the current Ombudsman should have been initiated long ago, but this has not been done. As the parliamentary and local elections approach, there is less chance that the Ombudsman will be elected before the end of the mandate of the current protector, Sasa Jankovic. This would mean that instead of the Ombudsman in full capacity, Serbia could soon have an acting Ombudsman with limited independence for an indefinite time.

We have no choice but to interpret this behavior of authorities as an attempt to obstruct independent bodies with the aim to influence their activities. We call on the ruling coalition to prevent this development and appoint the Ombudsman as soon as possible or amend the Law on the Ombudsman in a way that would not allow marginalization of this institution. We consider that the current Ombudsman, Sasa Jankovic, has been performing his duties successfully and responsibly, and therefore we recommend that members of the Serbian Parliament re-elect him.

We remind that the ruling coalition decided to organize the election of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data only after strong pressure from the Serbian public and objections from abroad, thereby preventing marginalization of this important institution. Instead of taking appropriate lessons from this case, the same story is being replayed again with regard to the Ombudsman.

Association of Independent Electronic Media - ANEM

Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia - NUNS

Journalists' Association of Serbia - UNS

Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina - NDNV

Association of Local Publishers Local Press

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