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23. 07. 2012


Belgrade, July 23, 2012 - Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) strenuously condemns the attack on writer and director of the Kikinda Culture Center Srdjan V. Tesin and cameraman of the Kikinda-based television VK Kristian Tot. TV VK has issued a statement protesting over the attack, saying that the writer Srdjan V. Tesin from Kikinda and cameraman of TV VK, Kristian Tot were attacked on July 20, at the concert of Kikinda music bands and presentation of the book "Mali krug" (Small circle) by Vladislav Vujin at the Zrenjanin Culture Center.

As said in the statement, V. Djukic attacked Srdjan V. Tesin and Kristian Tot first with insults, to which Tesin and Tot did not react. After the promotion and the concert, Djukic approached Tesin and slapped him across the face without any apparent reason, and then hit the VK TV cameraman Kristian Tot, who had come to Tesin's defense. Djukic then addressed insults to VK radio journalist and program host Darko Zivkovic, however, a major incident was prevented as the gathered audience promptly reacted and held Djukic from striking again. Srdjan V. Tesic reported the incident to the police. He was referred to a medical examination and is currently on sick leave.

ANEM urges the competent state authorities to react to this latest attack promptly and efficiently, in the interest of the democratization of society and freedom of media, and to initiate the proceedings against the attacker. ANEM particularly points out that this attack is yet another serious violation of freedom of expression, obstruction of the work of culture institutions and continuity of attacks on journalistic profession and media representatives in Serbia.

ANEM expresses its full solidarity with the victims of this attack, as well as with all other journalists and media workers exposed to threats and attacks. ANEM also urges the authorities to act more responsibly in the interest of protecting the right to freedom of expression and exercising the role of media in a democratic society, as the absence of adequate reactions of the legal state and creation of atmosphere of fear additionally encourage potential attackers.

ANEM President, Sasa Mirkovic

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