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15. 03. 2013

Obstruction of public discussion on the Draft Law on Public Information

Belgrade, March 15, 2013 - The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia, the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina, the Association of Independent Electronic Media and Local Press warn that the debate on the Draft Law on Public Information and Media has been seriously obstructed by certain local public companies for information, devaluing this important democratic institute.

Instead being reasoned with arguments, the debate is rather carried out in an intolerant and, at times, pogrom-like atmosphere. Such an approach of some participants to the debate resulted in Nis in an inappropriate verbal assault on one of the employees of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

By devaluing public discussion, media professionals and citizens have been denied the possibility to have the Draft Law improved and certain shortcomings and inconsistencies remedied through professional exchange of arguments, which is finally the point of these public events.

Transforming public discussion into a politically-intoned rally have drastically politicized issues related to the reform of the media, which the media associations are strongly opposing to. In this way, the media have become the subject of inter-regional disputes and political forces participating in them are using them as some kind of tool for proving the thesis on denied rights of certain regions.

Media and journalists's associations are urging the media and politicians to put an end to these forms of abuse and to instigate the creation of a constructive atmosphere to the debate about necessary changes in the media sector, in order to enable objective, truthful and timely information to citizens throughout Serbia, as well as the highest possible level of independent editorial policy.

The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS)

The Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV)

The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM)

Local Press

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