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03. 06. 2013


Belgrade, June 3, 2013 - The Media Coalition is concerned about the wording of the competition "Tender for providing service of information relevant to the City of Nis", which has put media in an unequal position, because it is not in line with the Strategy for Development of Public Information of the Republic of Serbia until 2016.

The aforementioned call of the City of Nis has given "daily newspapers" a preferential position in comparison to all other media.

Also, the competition requirements raise doubts that they are adapted to a small circle of media. In addition, the competition specifies that the sole criterion for allocation of funds would be "lowest offer", which seriously lays on the line the quality of the media.

Another problem is the fact that the competition has foreseen the funding for reporting on "daily activities" of the mayor, councilors, city institutions and agencies ... although the Media Strategy provides for project financing. The Strategy envisages that the criteria for evaluating projects give particular preference to the importance of the project for the achievement of public interests, its contribution to the diversity of media content and the plurality of ideas and values, valid argumentation of the project and adequate budget specifications, coordinated and justified from the perspective of the planned project activities, as well as the sustainability of the project.

It is also required that independent commissions be established by donors of support, when deciding on projects on public competitions. The work of the commissions shall be open to the public, and they will be comprised of competent representatives of the public, professional organizations and sector that is not financed from the budget.

The Media Coalition calls for immediate change of the competition requirements and their alignment with the Media Strategy. The Coalition believes that the current wording of the call may significantly affect relations in the media market in Nis, which is contrary to the public interest and the right of the public to be informed.

We recall that it was only after the intervention of the Media Coalition back in March 2013 that the Nis City Council amended the text of the Decision regarding the public information of importance to the City of Nis, in the part concerning putting print media in the privileged position at the expense of other media.

The Media Coalition, composed of:

Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia - NUNS

Journalists' Association of Serbia - UNS

Association of Independent Electronic Media - ANEM

Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina - NDNV

Association of Independent Local Media - Local Press

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