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09. 08. 2013


Belgrade, August 9, 2013 - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) supports the Ministry of Internal and External Trade and Telecommunication in its efforts to use the broadcasting frequencies previously allocated to TV Avala to expedite and complete the transition from analog to digital broadcasting of TV programme.

Taking into account the today's press statement issued by the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) announcing that none of the candidates has won the necessary number of votes to receive the nation-wide broadcasting license - Network K5, which practically means that the public contest has not been successful, it is ANEM's position that repetition of the public contest would not be useful and that the free frequencies should be used for the process of digitalization.

ANEM is of the opinion that the digitalization process is one of the priorities in the context of implementation of the Strategy for Development of the Public Information System of the Republic of Serbia Until 2016 and one of the key factors in successful realization of the media reform. The Media Strategy has a whole chapter dedicated to the process of transition from analog to digital broadcasting, which is great chance for all broadcasters. Participation of broadcasters in the latest trends will create conditions for offering of media services in accordance with highest technical standards, especially considering the technological benefits inherent in DVB T2 and MPEG4 standards. Aside from this, quick and successful completion of this process will ensure a higher-quality reception for citizens of the Republic of Serbia and allow them access to services that had not been available to them within analog broadcasting.

ANEM calls on the authorities to act immediately and adopt the Allocation Plan as soon as possible which will allocate the vacated frequencies for the purpose of expansion of the Initial Network for Digital Television Signal Testing, thereby allowing broadcasting of digital signal from a more transmitting locations - which is a necessary precondition for offering digital television services to more citizens.

We remind that ANEM has repeatedly warned of the negative consequences of the public contest for allocation of the vacated frequencies. Since it is now evident that the public contest has not been successful, no more time should be wasted. It is necessary to continue fulfilling the internationally accepted obligations, especially in the context of successful negotiations with the European Commission on the Chapter 10, which relates to the media and telecommunication.

ANEM President, Sasa Mirkovic

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