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25. 10. 2013

Milorad Tadic – new ANEM president

Belgrade, October 25, 2013 - The Managing Board of the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) has elected Milorad Tadic as the new president of ANEM.

Milorad Tadic was born in 1966 in Pozarevac. He studied at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, department of organization of performing and cultural and artistic activities. He is the general manager and chief editor of the private Radio BOOM93, which he opened back in 1992 in Pozarevac. In his twenty-five years of experience in working on the radio, he has obtained valuable skills in the area of ​​management and planning in the electronic media at prestigious educational courses for editors and managers organized by the BBC, IREX and USAID. He is also one of the founders and long standing vice president of ANEM. He was also leading the Assocation as coordinator in the period from 1999 to 2001. He is the founder of the Human Rights Committee in Pozarevac (2000). From 2001 to 2006, he was a member of the managing board of the Fund for an Open Society (FOS). He is married and has two sons.

Miorad Tadic took over the place of ANEM President from Sasa Mirkovic, who has resigned due to his appointment at the position of the Assistant to Minister of Culture and Media, responsible for media. After Veran Matic from B92, Slobodan Stojsic from Radio 021, Novi Sad and Sasa Mirkovic, Tadic is thus the fourth president of the Association since its inception back in 1993. With Milorad Tadic at its head, as one of the original founders of the Association, ANEM is stepping into its third decade of operations with membership that gathers founders of over a hundred electronic media, which are strongly committed to improving conditions for the development of media and freedom of expression in Serbia.

  • Milorad Tadic

  • Milorad Tadic

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