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23. 03. 2005


The posters, by which Belgrade downtown was covered with, give a picture of TV B92 sign in the Jewish symbol Star of David, with the text following underneath: “The boycott against anti-Serb activities, lethal influence on Serbian youth, support of Kosovo independence, encouragement of drug abuse, homosexuality and other Western diseases and support for multiracial new world order”. With the message “ Serbia for Serbs”, the signatory of these posters is Nacionalni Stroj organization. Similar messages also appeared in front of the “Rex” cinema in Jevrejska Street , as well as the graffiti in front of the entrance of non-governmental organizations Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia and Center for Humanitarian Right. ANEM notes that the posters and graffiti are just an unfortunate continuation of widespread racist and anti-Semitic campaign escalating in Serbia . Unfortunately, the state authorities have not reacted energetically to this call on persecution of Jewish people, intolerance and terrorizing of all that differs, nor they have shown the readiness to truly defend civilization's standards and democratic values proclaimed by the Constitution. Liberal media, particularly the most professional ones such as B92, which, since the state does not do it, lead in the promotion of tolerance and painful tackle with the dark era of our recent history, are by rule labeled by the anti-democrats as the biggest obstacle for their action. ANEM appeals to all appropriate authorities to respect and employ the regulations of this country and prevent Serbia to topple back into the dark and intolerance. ANEM also appeals to the entire democratic public to unmistakably and unconditionally act in solidarity with the Jewish community in Serbia, but also media and all others bearing the brunt of calls on lynch and discrimination. Slobodan Stojsic, Chairman of the ANEM Managing Board

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