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16. 06. 2005


The real issue raised by this incident is not whether B92 was duped into believing that Hague Tribunal fugitive Radovan Karadzic wanted to give Insider an interview but whether journalists chasing sensational news are justified in turning a blind eye not only to the ethics of their profession but also to their legal obligations. ANEM supports the decision of the Insider crew and RTV B92 to report to the police the offer they received to interview Radovan Karadzic and believes this sets an example to other media and other journalists. The task of the journalist is to present information which the public has an interest in knowing and not to serve as a mouthpiece for those who for the last decade have avoided telling their story before the courts which are trying these gravest of crimes. ANEM also welcomes the response of the Interior Ministry, which it sees as appropriate given that the supposed tip given to Insider could have led to the capture of the Hague Tribunal’s most wanted fugitive. The serious times in which investigative journalists live and work in Serbia today calls for a high level of professionalism and responsibility by everyone involved. The tragic events of this country’s recent past have had a far-reaching effect both on journalists and the society. Toying with these events can only be aimed at downplaying the seriousness of these crimes and the responsibility of those involved. This in turn makes light of the suffering of thousands of people and turns journalism into a dishonorable and trivial profession. Slobodan Stojsic, Chairman of ANEM Managing Board

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