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04. 07. 2006


Vranje-based weekly “Vranjske” and OK Radio, member of the Association, the only truly independent media in the region of South Serbia, endured a detailed seven-day inspection of the Taxation Office from Kragujevac. Most disturbing is the fact that such unexpected inspection was conducted only in these media outlets, known for their criticism of the local government in Vranje, for which their editors and journalists had been exposed to various forms of pressure. ANEM reminds of the numerous negative examples of abuse of power from the last decade with the aim to repress the freedom of speech and critical opinion through selected and targeted visits of the financial control or various assessment services particularly to independent media or media which had been critical of the regime. Not disputing the right of the government to control the respect of the regulations in the media sphere through its authorized bodies, ANEM demands particular caution in such cases, considering the importance of the freedom of speech and public information for the society that inclines to be democratic. Discriminatory measures directed exclusively to media critical of the authority in power only indicates the attempt to unacceptably limit free information of the public. Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM Chairman

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