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19. 07. 2006


On both occasions it was insisted on urgency, while the amendments came into force the very next day after the adoption. Such practice needs to change, since it concerns a very important legislation and utterly sensitive area of conveying the freedom of expression. The amendments must be approached responsibly, with full consideration and respect of opinion of a wide spectrum of interested groups. Certain articles of proposed amendments, which unexpectedly entered the parliamentary agenda, are entirely unacceptable, particularly the one giving the right to the Serbian Government, instead of the Parliament, to approve the financial plan of the Broadcast Agency. This would seriously challenge the independence and sovereignty of the Agency with respect to the decision-making authority. More so, the provision under which the Council may suspend its member appointed by the Parliament, without giving the Parliament the option to voice its opinion about the suspension, is also deplorable. As this motion is initiated parallelly with the discussions of the Culture Ministry with the interested groups regarding the setup of its draft amendments to the Act, ANEM recommends to the members of the Parliament, nominators of amendments to be voted on in the Parliament, to engage in the initiated public discussion and, by consulting other interested subjects and respecting other opinions, contribute to the drafting of the amendments that would really respond to the actual needs of the broadcasting sphere in Serbia. Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM Chairman

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