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29. 09. 2006


ANEM notes that even certain solutions of the adopted amendments, which seemed credible at first, completely miss the point. For example, even if enormously high fees for radio program broadcasting are being reduced, the core problem is still ignored, because radio and TV fees are set so high against the legal provisions and are generally used as an instrument for filling up of the state budget, not as a warrant of the stable financing of the independent regulatory body. The provision, giving the Serbian Government the power to approve the financial plan of the Broadcast Agency instead of the Parliament, is also unacceptable. Such solution challenges the true independence of the Agency. Furthermore, the amendments deny the Supreme Court the possibility to suspend execution of decisions of the Broadcast Agency until the Court responds to the complaints filed against these decisions. This thus deprives the broadcasters of the last remaining efficient legal instrument in this process. By ignoring the needs of the broadcast sector in Serbia, we keep moving in an enthralled circle where the Act can be amended each summer with one-off shortcuts, without really solving the problems. Each new amendment brings new unacceptable solutions which will later be the core of future changes. At some point, the authorities will have to recognize the need to approach the amendments to this sector responsibly, with duly respect of the opinion of the widest interested subjects. The only question is how much damage will be done by then. Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM Chairman

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