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08. 11. 2006


BELGRADE, November 8, 2006 - ANEM demands from the Broadcast Agency to bring more specific regulations concerning advertising and sponsorship on radio and television, in line with the provisions of the Advertising and Broadcast Acts.

Such rules are obviously necessary in order to reduce the number of violations of the acts to a minimum, but also to enable the Agency to justify its regulatory role entrusted by the acts. Particularly concerning is the fact that RTS, a public service broadcaster funded from the subscriptions, is the leader with the highest number of violations of the Advertising Act.

RTS has the highest number of registered violations made in disrespect of the rules concerning the program interruptions with the commercial brakes. This only emphasizes the necessity to review the method of financing of the RTS, regulated by the Act.

The right given to RTS by the Advertising Act to air commercials not only between programs, like commercial broadcasters, but also during the programs, generally affected the position of the commercial sector, rather than contributing to the considerably stable financing of the RTS. Hence, ANEM demands urgent amending of provisions of the Advertising Act which would annul that right to RTS.

Sasa Mirkovic,

ANEM Chairman

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