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24. 11. 2006


ANEM notes that serious, arbitrary and quite sweeping accusation of the Justice Minister aimed at reporting of Radio Boom 93 is an obvious example of unacceptable and unlawfull pressuring of a broadcaster and limiting of freedom of public information. ANEM reminds that Radio Boom 93 had been banned several times during the ‘90s, due to the station’s refusal to conform its independent editorial policy and loyalty to professional standards and journalism codes to interests of politicians and political parties. ANEM thus gives full support to Radio Boom 93 in its strive to defend its editorial independence and professionalism one more time. To accuse media, reporting on social developments, for bad news is utterly unacceptable model of behavior. ANEM thus urges all appropriate authorities to abstain from such allegations, and rather to allow media to acquire information on the situation in Serbian penitentiaries and all relevant information in the public interest. Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM Chairman

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