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13. 05. 2005


BELGRADE , May 13, 2005 – The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) demands that the appropriate state bodies clarify contradictory information on the arrest of the acting director of the Tutin Information Centre, journalist Albin Gegic, and cameraman Tufik Sadovic.

Gegic and Sadovic were arrested on May 6 and remanded in custody for thirteen days on suspicion of having committed the criminal act of destroying public equipment. According to the Tutin Information Centre, the order for remand in custody was handed down by the investigating magistrate of the Municipal Court in Tutin. Both were released on May 12, after the District Court in Novi Pazar upheld their appeal and overturned the custody order.

Media have commented that what lies behind the arrest of these two journalists is a conflict between the Sandzak Democratic Party, which is in power in Novi Pazar, and the List for Sandzak, which holds power in Tutin. In addition there is a conflict between the municipal television stations in these two towns which, until the last local elections, carried a common program.

ANEM reiterates its opposition to political pressure on local public media and the abuse of media for political purposes. The Association particularly insists that responsibility for the unjustified detention of Albin Gegic and Tufik Sadovic be established.

Slobodan Stojsic
Chairman, ANEM Management Board

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