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16. 04. 2012

2012 Pulitzer Prizes awarded

New York, April 16, 2012 (CNN) - The winners of the 2012 Pulitzer Prizes, the top U.S. awards for journalism, including photojournalism, as well as letters, drama and music ...

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27. 03. 2012

EU Parliament votes against delaying ACTA decison

March, 27, 2012 (v3.co.uk) - The EU Parliament has voted not to refer the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to the European Court of Justice (ECoJ), meaning the bill's ...

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08. 03. 2012

SEEMO Condemns Physical Attack on Montenegrin Journalist Olivera Lakic

Vienna, March 8, 2012 (SEEMO) - The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns the ...

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07. 03. 2012

SEEMO: Top Level Jobs in Media Still Occupied by Men, Gender Sensitive Reporting Missing from Media in South, East and Central Europe

Vienna, March, 7, 2012 (SEEMO) - The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), marked International ...

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05. 03. 2012

Forty-eight rights groups call on King to free Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk in prison

(BCHR/IFEX) - 5 March 2012 - The following is a letter by 48 IFEX members and other rights groups calling on the Bahrain authorities to release from prison human rights defender ...

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14. 02. 2012

China bans foreign TV shows during prime time

Beijing, February 14, 2012. (BBC News) - China's TV broadcasting regulator has announced that foreign TV shows will no longer be aired during prime time, state media report ...

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23. 01. 2012

EU proposes 'right to be forgotten' by internet firms

Brussels, January 23, 2012. (BBC News) - A new law promising internet users the "right to be forgotten" will be proposed by the European Commission on Wednesday.It ...

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18. 01. 2012

Wikipedia goes dark in protest of "anti-piracy" legislation

Washington, January 18, 2012. (B92, Tanjug) - Several dozens of large U.S. websites led by Wikipedia went dark on Wednesday in protest against planned new U.S. internet legislation.The ...

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05. 01. 2012

World's most dangerous region for journalists: the Arab World

Repression of uprisings makes the region the world's most dangerous place for journalists.Paris, January 5, 2012. (Editor's Weblog) - Sixty-four journalists and other media ...

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08. 12. 2011

Imprisonments of journalists jump worldwide

A special report of the Committee to protect Journalists (CPJ)New York, December 8, 2011. (CPJ) - The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide shot up more than 20 percent ...

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