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07. 04. 2013

Digital revolution for church services?

London, 7 April 2013 (BBC News) The first British church service has been held using hand-held computers instead of Bibles and hymn books.Parishioners at St John's Church ...

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12. 04. 2013

Croatia – TV Losing its Viewers, Increased Popularity of Tabloids

Zagreb, April 12, 2013. (Poslovni.hr) - Presscut i Medianet have presented a new method of media monitoring media monitoring service- Metricom which is the only tool that ...

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12. 04. 2013

Google privacy policy under attack from European regulators

April, 12, 2013 (express.co.uk) - Search engine giants Google's new privacy policy is under attack from European regulators who are concerned about users' data protection.Six ...

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28. 03. 2013

BBC staff set to strike over job cuts

London, March 28, 2013. (BBC) - BBC staff are to stage a 12-hour strike from noon, in a continuing row over job cuts, workload and claims of bullying.Members of the National ...

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22. 03. 2013

Ofcom mulls DTT spectrum charging

London, March 22, 2013 (Broadband TV News) - Ofcom has launched a consultation into whether it should levy charges for spectrum used by digital broadcasters.The plan could ...

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12. 03. 2013

Guardian slips below 200,000 sales in tough month for dailies

London, March 12, 2013. (Guardian) - The Guardian slipped below 200,000 average daily sales for the first time in February, when the Lebedevs' 20p i was the only national ...

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12. 03. 2013

The New York Times Plans to Sell the Boston Globe (again)

New York, March 12, 2013 (Mashable) - The New York Times Company announced that it plans to sell the New England Media Group, which includes The Boston Globe, Boston.com and ...

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08. 03. 2013

Sweden extends TV license fee to computers and phones

Stockholm, March 8, 2013. (GlobalPost) - Sweden's TV licensing body said Monday all owners of computers and smartphones had to pay the country's mandatory fee for owning a ...

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26. 02. 2013

International Herald Tribune changes name to International New York Times

New York, February 26, 2013. (Reuters) - The New York Times Co said on Monday that it was changing the name of the International Herald Tribune (IHT) to the International ...

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18. 02. 2013

BBC journalists strike over redundancies

London, 18.2.2013. (BBC) - Many BBC journalists have gone on strike for 24 hours in a dispute over compulsory redundancies. The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) said it ...

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