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24. 11. 2011

IFEX campaign: International Day to End Impunity

Toronto, 24.11.2011. (IFEX) - The International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) is implementing a 23-day campaign that tells the story of the unsolved murders of journalists around the world and provides easy-to-use digital tools to bring about action.

The "International Day to End Impunity" campaign launched. Nov. 1 and culminates on Nov. 23, a date that marks the 2009 massacre of journalists in the Philippines, said Catherine Demajo, Juniper's group account director.

IFEX has built a digital calendar at DayToEndImpunity.org that tells the story of an unsolved murder every day of the campaign with a link to an e-letter that readers can send to local authorities demanding an investigation into the death.

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