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14. 11. 2012

BBC to mark 90 years of broadcasting with composition by Damon Albarn

London, November 14, 2012 (BBC, The Independent) - A composition created by Blur frontman Damon Albarn will be played on every BBC radio station at the same time today to mark 90 years since the corporation's first ever broadcast.

It will be the first simultaneous radio broadcast since 1922 - when the British Broadcasting Company was established - and is expected to be heard by millions of listeners around the world.

Musician Albarn, who is also behind animated band Gorillaz, was asked to compose the three-minute audio collage of music, voices and sounds, called 2LO Calling.

It is named after the 2LO transmitter, which made the first BBC broadcast on November 14, 1922.

The Science Museum is marking the 90th anniversary with a display featuring part of the original device.

Tim Boon, head of research and public history at the museum, said: "The first broadcast by the 2LO 90 years ago marked the moment when radio moved from the realm of the 'amateur enthusiast' to the first proper public broadcasting service in Britain.

"This exhibition takes visitors back to a time when everything, from the technology to the content of the programmes was still new."

Today's broadcast will be aired on more than 55 BBC radio stations at 5.33pm.

It is estimated it has a potential reach of up to 80 million listeners.

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