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12. 04. 2013

Google privacy policy under attack from European regulators

April, 12, 2013 (express.co.uk) - Search engine giants Google's new privacy policy is under attack from European regulators who are concerned about users' data protection.

Six organisations in Europe agreed joint action today after the company merged 60 separate privacy policies into one universal procedure.

They are concerned the policy fails to allow users to know what data is being held and could impose fines or resort to legal action.

Colin Strong, a technology analyst with GfK, said: "There is a wider debate going on about personal data and who owns and controls personal data.

"The question is the extent to which consumers understand the value of their personal data and the extent that they are happy with the trade that they're getting."

The regulators could issue fines or restrictions across Google's operations in the entire 27 member European Union.

While the financial impact would be limited, successful legal action could hurt Google's image and their ability to collect data.

French privacy watchdog CNIL has the right to fine the company up to €300,000, which is approximately the amount it earns in three minutes.

Google is projected to post revenues of over £40 billion this year.

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