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12. 04. 2013

Croatia – TV Losing its Viewers, Increased Popularity of Tabloids

Zagreb, April 12, 2013. (Poslovni.hr) - Presscut i Medianet have presented a new method of media monitoring media monitoring service- Metricom which is the only tool that simultaneously monitors social networks, forums, portals, and comments on the portals.

Number of people who don't watch television at all has been increased for the first time since there are audience mesaurments in Croatia. In general, the positions of television ratings are equal. Nova TV still holds the first position, and it is followed by RTL HRT1 and HRT2 and 3, and HRT4. Among print media the leading position convincingly holds daily news paper 24 hours, while Jutarnji i Večernji list are on the second and third place. Similar situation is on internet portals, where the number of readers grow up on sports portals and portals of those newspapers that give sport a lot of space in their content.

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