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17. 05. 2013

HRT Editor in Chief Resigns

Belgrade,17.05.2013. (FoNet) - According to media from Zagreb, editor in chief of the first program of the Croatian national television Zeljko Rogosic resigned because of "unethical persecution and hostile media campaign" which came down on him within and outside this media which prevented him from normal work, he explains,.

Director of the state-owned television Goran Rotim accepted the resignation and recommended Gordana Mrđen to be new editor in chief.

Rogošić said that he has resigned after hearing the opinion of the Ethics Council of Croatian radio and television station (HRT). The Council publicly discussed allegedly problematic and false information stated in his professional biography and the process of his candidacy for the chief in editor.

"This resignation is not a victory of democracy, but rather the result of long-term media manipulation and destruction, which is I believe directed at the destabilization of HRT as a public service, "he said.

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