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21. 05. 2013

Slovenia - reporter suspended over his critical comments

Ljubljana, 21.05.2013. (Mondo) - Prime Minister of Slovenia Alenka Bratušek pledged to reduce the sentence of Slovenian national television correspondent Mateja Korosec.

Korosec, a correspondent of Maribor, was suspended because of the way he reported her visit. During live TV appearance on the occasion of the Prime Minister's visit he commented "A few years ago when former Prime Minister has visited Maribor I said to him that he did not say anything smart. This time I can only add that not just that Prime Minister Bratusek did not say anything, she did not say practically anything at all. "

The decision of his media house to suspend him and to forbid him to appear in informative TV program because of the way he commented about the prime ministers, was disapproved by journalists association.

Prime Minister Bratusek also think that the sentence was a bit exaggerated, carried the Slovenian media: "I didn't watch his TV report, but from what I have read it seems to me like he was punished a bit drastic".

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