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24. 05. 2013

Antenna set to invest more in region, owner reveals

Belgrade, May 24, 2013 (B92) - Media Group Antenna will have more new investments in the region, its owner and Director Theodore Kyriakou has announced.

Speaking at the Summit100 Business Leaders of Southeast Europe held in Montenegro, Kyriakou said Antenna Group plans to invest in television production in the whole region, and neighboring countries.

He believes that the region could become a major production center for television shows that can be sold worldwide. 

"The key to success is to invest in the core values. The news programs are focused on the integrity of journalists and objectivity, in entertainment we want innovation, the highest quality and careful research of trends in marketing. We are experts in accepting international practices and their adoption in local markets. We always employ local people to run our business and we train them to do their best," Kyriakou said of his company. 

The international media group has been investing in the countries of former Yugoslavia during the past several years. 

"International business has begun to recognize the significant changes for the better in the region and I am very pleased that we were among the first to realize this and with our investments positioned ourselves as partners from the domestic market," said Kyriakou.

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