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14. 06. 2013

BBC condemns Iran over 'harassment' ahead of elections

London, June 14, 2013. (BBC) - The BBC has condemned "unprecedented levels of intimidation" of BBC employees' families by Iran ahead of today's presidential elections.

It said Iran had warned the families of 15 BBC Persian Service staff that their relatives must stop working for the BBC in London, and in some cases the lives of staff were threatened.

Liliane Landor, head of languages services at the BBC World Service, said that "in the past few days alone 15 family members have been questioned by the Iranian intelligence ministry in Tehran and other cities across the country".

"The harassment has included threats that relatives will lose jobs and pensions and be prevented from travelling abroad," she said.

She added that "for the first time the lives of BBC Persian TV staff living in the UK have also also been threatened".

Iran is holding a presidential election on June 14.

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