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25. 11. 2013


Belgrade, November 25, 2013 (Beta) - Sweden is the freest country when it comes to use of and access to internet content, according to a report released today by the WWW Foundation ( World Wide Web Foundation).

As stated in the report to which includes 81 state, behind Sweden are Norway, United Kingdom and the United States. Although at the top of the list, the UK and US got bad marks when it comes to protecting user data. Top ranked developing country is Mexico, which is on the 30th place for internet freedoms. Russia is ranked at 41, China at 57 , and Mali , Ethiopia and Yemen on the bottom of the list. List shows that wealth of a country does not necessarily mean that it is freer. Thus, for example, Estonia this year ranked higher than Switzerland. It is stated that 39 percent of the world population in 2013 had Internet access, which is twice as much as in 2005 when it was 16 percent. The least Internet users in 2013 were in Africa, where less than one fifth of population has access to the global network . Most people on this continent do not have the money to be able to use the internet. The scientists have launched internet in 1990 have criticized the abuse of the global network for spying and censorship and warned that it could endanger democracy. Tim Berners -Lee, who is considered the father of the Internet, said at the presentation of a report that it is encouraging that has been shown that societal networks encourage people to organize themselves, and publicly reveal all the irregularities and abuses. "Some governments feel threatened because of this, and ever increasing  surveillance and censorship threaten to undermine democracy in the future," said Berners - Lee. The report states that the online spying and blocking of access to certain sites is on the rise in the world. Access to politically sensitive material is blocked in almost one third of the states that have internet .

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