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21. 11. 2013


Belgrade, November 21, 2013 (Tanjug) - President of the Board of Directors of the largest Internet search engine in the world o Google Eric Schmidt made ​​the bold prediction that censorship could be gone in ten years , and that better use of encryption will help people protect themselves from the government monitoring.

At a lecture at Johns Hopkins University on Wednesday , Schmidt suggested that the overall connection to internet and communications protection from spying will lead to end  of censorship in China, as in other countries where the limiting freedom of speech, officials said.

"I believe we have a real chance to remove the censorship and the possibility of its reoccurrence in a decade ," he said.
Schmidt has for long advocated against restrictions on freedom of expression and access to the Internet, the agency said, noting that earlier this year traveled to North Korea, isolated from the rest of the world, trying to promote his ideas.

"It is clear that we have failed . However, we'll try again. They did not call us again," said Schmidt about the private visit, for which the State Department said it did not have a good "timing", as it is practically immediately after North Korea tested a long-range missile.

Schmidt, who was in 2011 the executive director of "Google", said that the activity of the National Security Agency (NSA), if the information is correct is, " potentially illegal " and " outrageous."

Google in the United States was among the few IT companies drawn into the controversy over the government monitoring, and at the time was the executive director, the company was criticized for its long-time interception of data.

Materials that was made public by a former associate of the American special services Edward Snowden suggests that the NSA used data of "Google " and others for intelligence gathering.

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