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22. 08. 2013


New York, August 22, 2013 (AP) - Internet company Yahoo in July, after more than two years, pushed out its domestic rival Google from the top of the list of most visited websites in the United States.

According to the research company Comscore , the Yahoo site in the United States was visited by over 196 million people. The company was also the first of suppressed rival Google, which recorded 192 million visits. The following places are occupied sites Microsoft , Facebook and AOL.

Yahoo recently bought a blogging platform Tumblr, which was on the July Comscore list independent and had 38 million visitors.

Traffic to web pages is important for selling advertisements that are a key source of income for Yahoo and Google. Yahoo was last time at the head of the list of most visited sites in the US in May 2011, agencies remind.

The company has in the past year, since it was headed by Marissa Mayer, bought dozens of small, newly established internet companies focused mainly on services and technology for smart phones and tablets. Yahoo is trying to attract more users and to revive its revenue growth which has stagnated . The biggest acquisition was Tumblr in June for $ 1.1 billion.

Yahoo is a pioneer in its field  and in late 90s was the dominant provider of free email. The company was later caught by the competition. Analysts say the company fell asleep in past years and did not react in time to the fall of advertising revenues. The new director is now trying to stop the decline in turnover and return the company to its former glory.

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