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08. 08. 2013


Podgorica, August 8, 2013 (Mondo ) - Unknown persons threw an explosive device in the yard of the family home in Berane of "News" journalists Tufik Softic.

The explosion took place last night at about 22.00 hours.

Softic said he was sitting at home with his wife and children when a terrible explosion sounded.

"The whole family was disturbed by the explosion that was so strong that he could be hear by half the city. In spite of the strength of detonation and that I have seen the blast, I had the impression that went off somewhere else. I went out, and like the neighbors  looked where something was thrown , and only half an hour later I saw the crater next to my car," said Softic.

He said that his car was not damaged, which is the reason the inspectors suspect that a stun grenade was thrown.
Family house in which Softic lives is less than 200 meters away from the center of Berane.

"I parked my car in the same space where I usually park, which is less than five meters away from where I was attacked and beaten in 2007 by unknown assailants.  I continue, as before the attack, constantly to write for the "News" and  "Monitor " about crime and criminals, but since then, except for that feeling that in itself is annoying , that those who have brutally beaten me were never found, I had no threats or other inconveniences ," said Softic.

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Montenegro Rasko Konjevic spoke by phone with Softic and expressed personal interest in the case, was said from minister`s office.

Police Public Affairs Advisor Tamara Popovic said that according to preliminary results, a stun grenade is in question, but that today, when the investigation is completed, and forensic traces taken and examined, it will be knows which explosives we are dealing with.

She added that officials of the Security Center Berane in cooperation with the Prosecutor, are taking action to resolve the event.

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