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18. 06. 2013


Athens, June 18, 2013 (Mondo) - The Greek State Council, the highest legislative body in the country , has tonight temporarily suspended enforcement of the decision on the closure of state radio and television stations - ERT.

After complaints by ERT unions on the sudden decision to close ERT, the  highest judicial body in the country ordered the opening of this media outlet until the founding of the new audiovisual state broadcaster.

An unnamed source said that the committee , to be composed of representatives of the three coalition parties , should employ a number of journalists required to work until a law is passed establishing a new state broadcasters , reports AFP.

The Council requested the relevant Ministers to do everything to enable broadcasting of the state television station.

Thousands of people gathered in front of the seat of ERT, welcomed this decision with applause.

At the beginning of last week, Greece suddenly announced the closure of ERT as one of drastic austerity measures for meeting the requirements of international lenders.

The decision to close ERT triggered a national strike in which several thousand people took to the streets. This has caused a new political crisis due to the renewed fears of political instability in Greece .

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