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15. 01. 2014


France, January 15, 2014 (ABC Srbija, Beta) - France has fined Google 150,000 Euros for breaking the rules on the protection of data privacy , stated the national regulatory body for digital privacy.

According to the agency CNIL, Google 's new privacy policy , which applies to all of its services, from  e-mail to the calendar , it is not sufficiently precise in explaining how and why it collects data from the users and does not define for how long it will store this data .

These are just some of the issues raised by the CNIL .

Regulatory bodies of the European Union also announced that the new policy to protect the privacy of Google users is not in line with European rules .

Google, however, argues that its new policy is simpler than the old, and in accordance with the European law.

Since the company has not changed its new policy, as asked, CNIL has decided to fine it with 150,000 Euros.

CNIL has also requested that Google on its French site Google.fr publish  the statement on the punishment.

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