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19. 02. 2014


02.19.2014 (Blic, B92) - The High State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica has renewed the investigation into the murder of the owner of the daily "Dan" Dusko Jovanovic, Belgrade daily "Blic" reports citing SRNA news agency.

Several witnesses, police inspectors and prosecutors involved in the investigation of this case were questioned, including the former chief of Podgorica Police Milan Vujanovic.

Vujanovic made a statement about the alleged confession by Damir Mandic, the only one convicted of complicity in this liquidation, according to today's newspapers.

In the interest of the investigation, the prosecution refused to make public the names of witnesses who were interrogated yesterday.

The Acting Chief State Prosecutor (of Montenegro) Veselin Vuckovic announced that in the renewed investigation he will seek interrogation of those whose names are mentioned in the official report.

The witnesses will include the former head of the Montenegrin Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrija Jovicević, the investigating judge Miroslav Basovic, the Montenegrin Justice Minister Dusko Markovic, and all members of the police who are working on this murder case.

Dusko Jovanovic was killed on 27 May 2004 in an ambush outside the editorial offices of "Dan".

After a number of suspect accomplices were investigated, only Mandic was sentenced for this crime as an accomplice to unknown persons who committed the murder.

He was sentenced to 18 years in prison, of which he has another ten to serve. Mandic has never admitted that he had anything to do with the murder of Jovanovic.

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