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14. 05. 2005


SEENAPB is assembling the Associations of electronic media from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia , Macedonia , Kosovo , Romania , Serbia and Montenegro . The Network was established in 2000, with support of Royal Danish Ministry for foreign affairs. On this SEENAPB Day event in Skopje activities of the Network were promoted, and best participants in projects were awarded. Award for «Association of the year » was given to Association of electronic media in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AEM B&H). In SEENAPB's Radio network significant place takes production and broadcast of the news from the Region. Project is considered as one of the biggest daily radio service in South East Europe. SEENAPB's award for “Radio of the year” went to “Antena M” from Podgorica ( Montenegro ), while award for “Editor of the year” went to Diana Koller, journalist from Radio Kaj from Croatia . Balkan Human Rights Network, as SEENAPB's partner organisation awarded the Best story of the year, and the topic was “Children with special needs”. This award went to Dragan Ristov, journalist from Radio Network Kanal 77 from Macedonia . Sponsor of SEENAPB Day event 2005, Macedonian President, Branko Crvenkovski, expressed a hope that SEENAPB would contribute with their activities to development of electronic media and investigative journalism in South East Europe. SEENAPB's activities in future period will focus on creation of favourable legal regulations for electronic media and improving of program co-operation in countries of the Region.

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