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20. 02. 2012

Situation in TV Avala

Belgrade, February 20, 2012. (Danas) - After an unsuccessful attempt on Friday, TV Avala employees will gather today at 10.30 in front of the TV Avala's building. Together ...

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20. 02. 2012

Rating of Legal Framework for Right to Information in 89 Countries

Global Right to Infomation Rating - The results of the world's first rating of RTI laws in 89 countries shows a significant spread: out of a possible total of 150 points ...

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14. 02. 2012

Inspection to deal with “Avala” case

Belgrade, February 14, 2012. (B92, Tanjug) - Journalists associations urged the Prosecution and financial inspection to "deal with" case of TV "Avala" ...

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14. 02. 2012

PANON TV: TV network in Hungarian

Subotica, February 14, 2012. (Danas) - Istvan Bodzoni, director of RTV Pannon, announced the start of establishment of a television network of Vojvodina Hungarians within ...

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13. 02. 2012

WAZ to leave Serbian media market

Belgrade, February 13, 2012. (B92) - German media group WAZ has not changed its decision on leaving the media market in Serbia and negotiating the sale of its stake in the ...

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13. 02. 2012

RBA: licenses to all, PENALTIES FOR violation of RULES

Belgrade, February 13, 2012. (Politika) - Allocation of broadcasting license to cable TV Svet plus 3, has surprised the Serbian media scene.  According to the spokesman of ...

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10. 02. 2012

B92 cameraman attacker gets stiffer penalty

Belgrade, February, 10, 2012. (B92) - The Court of Appeals has overturned a penalty for Milan Savatović, who was sentenced for participation in a group that attacked B92 cameraman ...

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01. 02. 2012

Media laws within deadline

Predrag Markovic, Minister of Culture, Media and Information SocietyBeograd, 31.01.2012 (Danas) - According to Markovic, the Media Strategy Action Plan is being implemented ...

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27. 01. 2012

Each minute to be monitored

Belgrade, January 27, 2012. (Vecernje Novosti) - Appearance of party leaders in TV programs during the upcoming election campaign will be closely followed the RRA. Every second ...

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27. 01. 2012


Belgrade, January 27, 2012. (Blic) - "Jug Grizelj" was awarded to journalist Drago Hedl from Osijek for the book "Chronicle of a destruction" that described ...

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Pravni monitoring
ANEM campaigns


New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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