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23. 09. 2011

Proposal of the Media Strategy by October 1st

Belgrade, September 23, 2011. (Tanjug, Danas) - PR Coordinator of the Serbian Government, Slobodan Homen, announced yesterday that the Government would adopt the Proposal ...

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23. 09. 2011

Visit of the Monitoring Committee

Belgrade, September 23, 2011. (Blic) - Members of the RBA Council talked yesterday with the representatives of the Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary ...

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22. 09. 2011

European Commission criticizes the Media Strategy

Belgrade, September 22, 2011. (B92) - European Commission criticized the Proposal of the Serbian Media Strategy, which, among other things, stipulated the establishment of ...

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22. 09. 2011

Jelena Trivan on Media Strategy

Belgrade, September 22, 2011. (Večernje novosti) - Jelena Trivan, MP, vice-president of Democratic Party (DS) and  Parliament's Culture and Information Committee Chairwoman ...

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22. 09. 2011

NUNS and NDNV: Too broad a competence of national councils in minorities’ media

Belgrade, Novi Sad, September 22, 2011. (Blic) - Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) and Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV) urge decision ...

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19. 09. 2011

56 stations without a license

Belgrade, September, 19, 2011. (Danas) - According to RATEL data, there are 56 stations in Serbia that broadcast program illegally, among which 47 radio and 9 TV stations ...

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19. 09. 2011

RATEL reports

Belgrade, September 19, 2011. (Dnevnik) - The RATEL report for 2011 will be presented at the regular Assembly session for the first time. Competent council proposed to the ...

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17. 09. 2011

RBA and RATEL reached agreement on digitalization

Belgrade, September 17, 2011. (Danas) - RBA and RATEL harmonized their stands on issues of illegal broadcasting, digitalization of TV program and obligation of broadcasting ...

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16. 09. 2011

Press Council started its operations

Belgrade, September 16, 2011. (Press) - Citizens who believe that journalistic codex has been violated by publishing texts and photos in daily and periodical newspapers can ...

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15. 09. 2011

Release of Serbian journalist detained in S. Ossetia urged

Vienna, September 15, 2011. (SEEMO) - The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO demanded the immediate release of Viktor Lazić, a travel writer for the ...

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Pravni monitoring
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New Media Laws

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