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08. 09. 2011


Belgrade, September 8, 2011 (Vecernje Novosti) - The Administrative Court abolished the decision that had recommended the dismissal of General Manager of RTS, Aleksandar Tijanic ...

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06. 09. 2011

Sabic: Greater authority to the Commissioner

Belgrade, September 6, 2011 (B92) - The Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, Rodoljub Sabic says that it is necessary to expand the authority if the serious ...

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02. 09. 2011

Media Strategy in a week?

Belgrade, September 2, 2011 (Dnevnik) - Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society, Predrag Markovic has announced that the version of the Strategy, in which all possible ...

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26. 08. 2011

A retrial against the priest for threatening a journalist

Belgrade, August 26, 2011 (Dnevnik) - The Court of Appeals in Belgrade has annulled the verdict against the priest from the city of Sabac, Bogdan Simanic, who had been convicted ...

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25. 08. 2011

Proposal of the Media Strategy not acceptable

Belgrade, August 25, 2011. (Danas) - The text of the Proposal of the Media Strategy prepared by the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society that is now "a ...

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24. 08. 2011

Markovic: Opinion on the Media Strategy by September 5th

Belgrade, August 24, 2011 (Tanjug) - Predrag Markovic, Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society said today that the expert Commission would give its opinion on the ...

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24. 08. 2011

The Media Strategy by September 15th?

Belgrade, August 24, 2011 (Danas) - The Commission formed for the suggestions on the Proposal of the Draft Media Strategy is expected to finish its work during this or next ...

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23. 08. 2011

OEBS on the Media Strategy after its presentation

Belgrade, August 23, 2011. (Politika) - Some solutions that were offered by the working group could be further developed and more precise, said Dragana Nikolic-Solomon, Chief ...

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19. 08. 2011

Presentation of the Proposal of the Draft Media Strategy soon

Kraljevo, August 19, 2011. (Tanjug) - Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society, Predrag Markovic, said today in Kraljevo that the Government had formed the Commission ...

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18. 08. 2011

Draft Media Strategy unavailable to journalists

The procedure is still ongoing and it would not be right to speak about the text until the work of the Commission is finished, says Dragana Milicevic-Milutinovic.Belgrade ...

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