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17. 08. 2011

Proposal of the Draft Media Strategy completed

Belgrade, August 17, 2011. (Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society) - As it had been announced, the Department for the Media of the Ministry of Culture, Media ...

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14. 08. 2011

Support to the Media

Belgrade, August 14, 2011. (Blic) - The President of the Belgrade City Council of Nova Srbija, Borislav Borovic, supported the Draft Media Strategy prepared by the media associations ...

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13. 08. 2011

Reckoning with tycoons in power

Belgrade, August 13, 2011 (Pravda) - Serbian Progressive Party believes that it is completely absurd for the Serbian Government to adopt the Media Strategy before it reckons ...

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13. 08. 2011

URS for keeping municipalities’ media

Ownership: Is the state withdrawing from the media? Belgrade, August 13, 2011. (Press) - Representatives of the United Regions of Serbia (URS) still claim that there is no ...

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13. 08. 2011

The state not eager to withdraw from media ownership

"Apparently, there is no will (of the state to withdraw from the media ownership) at various levels and with various motives", Predrag Marković (Vecernje novosti ...

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12. 08. 2011

State's withdrawal from the ownership in the media

Belgrade, August 12, 2011 (Blic) - The vice-president of the Democratic Party (DS) Jelena Trivan said yesterday that her party supported the principle of state's withdrawal ...

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12. 08. 2011

The public divided, political decision needed

Belgrade, August 12, 2011 (Danas) - In Serbia there is no unique opinion and the way to solve the issue regarding the state ownership in media, because of which a political ...

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11. 08. 2011

Arezina - the new director of TV Novi Sad

Novi Sad, August 11, 2011 (Dnevnik) - The Managing Board of the Radio-Television of Vojvodina (RTV) has appointed Slobodan Arezina as the new director of TV Novi Sad and Jozef ...

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11. 08. 2011

Predrag Markovic: media in the throes of the state

The Minister of Culture and Media on the situation in the Serbian journalism, Media Strategy, protection of protection of monuments in Kosovo and Metohija: There is no political ...

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10. 08. 2011

Concerning the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Croatia on the case of Zeljko Mitrovic

Belgrade, August 10, 2011 (Danas) - Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that Serbian authorities take measures against broadcasting of "negative and unfounded ...

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Pravni monitoring
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New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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